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Welcome to, a platform where' you get updated about the latest happenings in Music Scene Around the world.

Your privacy is our number one watch word. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, use and disclose your information when you use Mp3news, our mobile and desktop apps and all related sites, players, widgets, tools, apps, data, software, APIs and other services provided by (the “Services”).

By using the Website, the Apps or any of the Services, and in particular by registering a account, you are consenting to the use of your information in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.

For your convenience, information relating to our use of cookies and similar technologies is set out in a separate Cookies Policy. The Cookies Policy forms part of the Privacy Policy, and whenever we refer to the Privacy Policy, we are referring to the Privacy Policy incorporating the Cookies Policy.

Please take some time to read this Privacy Policy (including the Cookies Policy), and make sure you are happy with our use and disclosure of your information.

If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Website, the Apps or any of the Services. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us via our Support Center.

Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to the Website, the Apps and the Services (together, the “Platform”). When using the Platform, you may find links to other websites, apps and services, or tools that enable you to share information with other websites, apps and services. Mp3news is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites, apps and services and we recommend that you review the privacy policies of each of these websites, apps or services before connecting your Mp3news account or sharing any personal data.

Our principles

We have a simple approach to data protection and privacy, which can be summarized as follows:

You should know exactly what we do with your information

This Privacy Policy is designed to give you full understanding on our data protection practices. If there’s anything that’s not clear from this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us via our Support Center.

You should have full control over your information

We’ve designed the Website subsidiary (App services) to give you control over the information you publish and share using and other sites and services to which you connect you® account. Please take full advantage of these tools and make sure you only share what you want to share.

Information we collect about you

Information provided by you

Your personal data are not required in order to visit the Website. However, certain Services do require that you register for a account and, by doing so, you will provide us with certain information:

None of this profile information is mandatory, and any information you do provide may be deleted, edited, changed or amended by you at any time.

If you sign up to using Facebook, your account will be connected automatically to your Facebook account, and information regarding your activity on, specifically any new public songs that you post on and any new favorites, will be shared with Facebook and will be published in your timeline and your Facebook friends’ newsfeeds. If you do not wish to share your activity with your Facebook friends, you can control this from the Settings page on the Website, If you signed up using Facebook by mistake, you can delete your account from the Account page within your Settings at any time, or you can contact us via our Support Center

You can sign up and log in to using your Google+ account. When you sign up using Google+, Google will ask your permission to share certain information from yourGoogle+ account with This includes your first name, last name, email address in order for us to verify your identity and gender, a link to your Google+ profile, your profile picture, and your list of friends. This information is collected by Google and is provided to us under the terms of Google’s privacy policy.

If you sign up to using Google+, by default information regarding your activity on will be visible on Google to everyone in your Google+ circles and shared with Google according to Google’s terms of service and Google’s privacy policy. For more information on how to manage the activities you share back to your Google+ account, see Google’s support page. You can manage who from your Google+ circles sees your activity from within your Google+ App settings page. If you want to control the type of activity that is shared with your Google+ circles, you can do this from the settings page of your account under the “Connections” tab.

If you signed up to using Google+ by mistake, you can delete your account from the account page within your settings at any time, or you can contact us via our Help Center.

How we use your information

We use the information that we collect about you for the following purposes:

Use of and interaction with the Platform:

Improving and customizing the Platform and advertising:

For other purposes, provided we disclose this to you at the relevant time, and provided that you agree to the proposed use of your personal data.

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